
When I first saw your ad I weighed sixty five kilos and felt I was ten kilos overweight. I have stayed off all grains *not one grain has passed my lips and probably wont again) and I cut out all sugar completely. I have lost nine and a half kilos and at fifty  seven kilos I think I am fine. So, I will continue as I am and intend to just live like this. No more carbs or sugar. So thank you again. I am where I want to be.

By andrew childs

I'm a health, nutrition and lifestyle enthusiast who has had great success in applying Paleo principles to my life and helping others do the same. If you'd like to learn more about me please checkout my about page. If you would like me to help you get healthy and lose weight please consider getting yourself one of my meal plans or a copy of my ebook. Simply click the links in the right hand sidebar to get started.

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