Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials

Please take a read through some of the amazing success stories achieved through this site below.

As you know I started on 2nd December 2013 through the festivities, I weighed now in the gym where I normally weigh myself , I lost since then 8,3kg, I’m impressed and I’m not starving at all. Keep up the good work.

Yes this is working for me , I was 127.9 kg and now i am 116.8kg
Thankyou sooo much

I have always hated eggs, but now I look forward to my “crustless quiche” everyday. I chose this because I needed to go Gluten free and I have not missed the bread at all. I am trying out new recipes all the time. The family are loving it as well. I have so far lost 4.8kg which has never happened before

Hi, thank you for the information. I’ve lost 4 kg (in 2 weeks) and I’m so excited. I walked pass chocolates and cakes during the weekend and guess what… I didn’t want it. That is amazing! 

Hi have lost 10kg in one month! Wow I am so greatful! First diet in 20 years! First eating right ever! Thanks!

I must say, I feel great! Thank you for your encouraging e-mails. It helps allot. 5 kg in 3 weeks!

I am feeling chipper, and still on the diet. must say I dont feel bloated and have more energy so thanks for the concern.

Just yesterday I was weighing myself and was very impressed about the progress I made so far. When I started 3 weeks ago my weight was 90kg and now I’m at 80.5 kg, I thought maybe the scale was not working properly or I did not see the numbers correctly!

I’m still going strong, I weighed myself this weekend and I’m happy to say I’ve shed more than 10kg. I now weigh 79.9 From 90kg
I’m so motivated to keep on keeping on. The sky is the limit!

I’m beginning to feel the weight loss now. Im loosing some fat on my tummy. I cant believe this. I haven’t loss weight in ages!

Have lost 10kg in the last 4 weeks even with no exercise. But found that energy levels seem to see-saw, but I am soldiering on.
The Junk food isles in the Supermarket do not even tempt me. So I pat myself on the back.

On top of the world, down another 0.7kg, but here comes the winner, overall lost 21cm. Very motivated.

I loose on average about a kilogram per week.  I am very happy with this result.

When I first saw your ad I weighed sixty five kilos and felt I was ten kilos overweight. I have stayed off all grains *not one grain has passed my lips and probably wont again) and I cut out all sugar completely. I have lost nine and a half kilos and at fifty  seven kilos I think I am fine. So, I will continue as I am and intend to just live like this. No more carbs or sugar. So thank you again. I am where I want to be.

My name is Isabelle and my age is 61.

This is my ongoing journey towards weight loss and a healthy life style.

All my life I have been totally addicted to all starchy food. Being an emotional eater, I always

had an excuse to binge on junk food and put myself in jail – a jail that had open doors but that I

couldn’t bring myself to walk out of.

I have tried every diet on the market, even the injections – I would lose 10kg and gain15kg. My

yo-yo dieting took me to a horrible weight of 188.5kg and I was extremely depressed. I just

didn’t want to go out anywhere, I just wanted to sit at home and eat more.

On 27th September 2013 I went to a talk that changed my thoughts completely, and turned my

life around. Some of the ideas that grabbed me and helped me to change my mindset and have

helped me to continue on this journey are:

• Do something your future self will thank you for

• You have the power to change. There are no rules, it’s a choice that YOU make.

• Turn your cons (why I can’t) into pro’s (why I CAN)

• You have to change your values to make change in behaviour easy

• Everything changed the day I believed I COULD

I had heard about the Paleo Diet before but this was when it really hit home that I could take

control. Within the first week I lost 5kg and felt so good! I couldn’t but help starting to feel

very positive about the Paleo Diet.

By 27th December (3 months) I had lost 50kg and felt fantastic! It is now 24th March and I have

lost 62kg in 6 months.

The things that have kept me going are little things like walking the dogs instead of eating (they

have never had so many walks in their lives!) and I keep reminders of the tips above on my


I had been taking glucophase for my sugar, 2 water tablets for my swollen ankles, as well as

blood pressure tablets. After losing my first 50kg my doctor took me off my water tablets and

my sugar tablets, and soon will take me off blood pressure tablets.

I know my journey is still long but for the first in my life I know I will reach my goal weight and

this is my lifestyle now. I love this diet and have no cravings at all – it’s amazing!


Isabelle has subsequently lost a total of 70 kgs, and is aiming to lose 90 kilograms in total!

Congratulations Isabelle!

I am very happy to inform you that I have lost 3 (three) Kilograms and at least one dress size.

I enjoy the Paleo Meal Plan as it is very close to what I used to eat, maybe more “fat”. I feel 100% better.

I am feeling so much better. My energy levels are up.
I am feeling more comfortable in my clothing.
I look at food differently now.
I enjoy my meals.
Thank you very much.

I’d just firstly like to say thank you. I can’t believe the difference the last 12 days of Paleo-ing have made already. I’ve never been this excited about losing weight and getting into shape. I’ve lost 4.4kg so far… 30 odd to go, but feeling very positive and adamant that a slice of bread will never pass these lips again 🙂

I’ve lost 2kg but many centimetres. Unfortunately we didn’t measure. Clothes are so much better fitting, but the MAIN change is:  I feel so much better. No more coughing and a blocked nose at night. We are trespassing on one thing: little bit of milk in three cups of coffee/ tea per day!  I can also tell you that I’ve a serious a-rhythm heart beat problem(??).At the moment my heart beat is so much more regular and I’m sure it’s got something to do with the way of eating.

I think the paleo eating is starting to get results, as a few weeks ago I was going between 95kg and  97kg, whereas this week I have come down from 94.6kg at the beginning of the week and this morning I was 93.6kg – and I haven’t been down to that weight for a while.

One has to keep pulling yourself up!! – last night as I was making my paleo supper, I went to the fridge to see what I could nibble on while my pork chop was grilling, and there had been a management meeting of my Lodge at my home on Tuesday evening, where I had provided some healthy snacks and some not so healthy snacks (potato chips and peanuts with raisins) – the healthy snacks included ostrich biltong and things like baby carrots and mini corn – isn’t it crazy, that when you are looking for a snack you open the fridge door – there was the mini corn that was left over, so I grabbed one, and as I took a bite I thought “this is going to be grain one day”, and what I had taken from the fridge and all the rest that was in the fridge landed in the dustbin!!

I am feeling more energetic, more alert mentally and sleeping a lot better. I am hoping that it will help the arthritis too. The biggest thing was to stop the Diet Sodas – used to drink 2 -3 a day. I have lost a little weight, but can feel the difference on my clothes (a little). I am sleeping very soundly as well.

The third week was the toughest – tired, tired and not feeling well. We drank more water, ate more biltong and got through it. Good news this morning:  I lost 4 kg en my hubby 3 kg during the first month. Now we feel GREAT!! So glad I googled Tim Noakes a month ago, came along Paleo as well and there we go!!! The BIG test will be during the month of 17/02 – 17/03 when we’ll be on holiday to the Cape Province. We have decided that this is a way of living we’re enjoying so I don’t think it will be a problem. Only had two lemon creams yesterday during a coffee session with friends, so proud of ourselves.

Wow! What an incredible book!! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and all your research with us. So inspiring!

Hi.  Thanks for this invaluable info re ketones. I am a diabetic on insulin   I have lost just under 10 kgs by cutting all carbs.  Only eat high protein. Veges. Little fruit. Have 3 egg omelette with cheese 3 times a week. Drink water and eat nuts.  Am feeling so good. My insulin intake has dropped significantly.  I bought Tim Noakes book ages ago. Sorry. It’s taken me about 4 weeks.  Have to lose another 3 or 4 kgs. I exercise in the water 5 days a week for an hour    67 years old. My skin has not got one wrinkle (genetic).

I have bought your e-book about two to three weeks ago.  What a pleasure to read something that makes sense.  I have already lost 10kg and I am feeling very well.  Still have about 20kg to go.  I am diabetic and was using insulin(long working) 25 units in the morning and 25 units in the evening as well as 10 units(short working) before each meal. (3 times daily) I also uses metformin 850mg twice a day.  I still use the metformin and injects 12 units of insulin(long working) twice a day.  I don’t use the short working insulin any more.  I believe when I start exercising next week it will be to my benefit so that  I can go of insulin permanently.  I will keep you posted.

I am feeling so awesome and have lost 13 pounds…I am so happy and have NO cravings for anything!!!!

Very happy! Lost 3 kilos in 3 weeks. Not hungry. Energy levels good but my blood sugars halved. Was between 12-18. Now 4-8. Over the moon.

Thank you for paleo diet information.
I would like to inform you that I’ve lost 5kg in four weeks I’ve been on this diet and still going strong

Thank you for all the info. Since I did Sure Slim many years ago, and fell off the wagon, I find it easy to follow your way of eating.
I must tell you, I have lost 4 kg this week. How crazy. I am pushing through, because I would like to loose 16 kg and maintain it afterwards.

I am LOVING your diet!!!!  I seem to be getting thinner, and losing weight.  I am happy that my clothes are much more roomy.
However ……………….. – what fabulous food!!!!!!

This is not a question but a statement.  I have been a customer of Andrew Childs from January 2014 and have been on the Paleo diet ever since.  I am feeling so much better, have not had my recurring bronchitis and have had more energy.  I went off it on and off for a while when my daughter was living here and guess what?  I got laryngitis really badly.  Four weeks and counting.  Now I am ready to start again!  Thank you Andrew.

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